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our story

At Central Community Church of God each Sunday we say, we are-- “Connecting in love, building relationships with God, family and the community.” Jesus wants the body of Christ to demonstrate the love of God to the world. At Central, we do this when we share the Word of God and serve humanity from the ministry resources God has given us. Our Lord said, “the greatest of you must be the servant of all.” Our mission and vision are to show plus share the Gospel and good news of God’s love to all mankind.

our pastor
Rev. Calvin D. Waddy Jr.

Lead Pastor

Pastor Calvin D. Waddy, Jr. is the Senior Pastor of Central Community Church of God in Jackson, Mississippi.  He was born in Plainfield, New Jersey and later moved to Anderson, Indiana upon the death of his father. Pastor Waddy received his education from Mid-America Christian University and Anderson University. It was on the campus of Anderson University that Pastor Waddy developed a longtime friendship with the former Kimberly B. Jenkins.In 1991 Kimberly and Calvin were married. Today, they have three sons:  Calvin III, Austin, and Matthew. Pastor Waddy faithfully served his country in the United States Marine Corps, and was honorably discharged in 1996. In May of 2005 he was ordained by the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana. He has served several congregations ministering as a Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, Executive Pastor, and Senior Pastor. Since relocating to Mississippi he was asked to serve as a member of the Credentials’ Team for the Church of God in Mississippi and he currently holds a position as a State Elder. Additionally, the Jackson Police Department in Jackson, MS asked him to become a Chaplain in their department, and he leads a mentor program

in one of the Madison County Public Schools. Pastor Waddy has had the privilege of serving the Lord and sharing the Gospel across this Nation as a Conference Leader, Revivalist, Evangelist, and Commencement Speaker. Pastor Waddy fondest memories in ministry include those opportunities he and his family have had; to share the Gospel in the USA, and overseas. Calvin has stated, “Watching my family share the Love of Christ across the United States and around the world has taught me the meaning of ministering to humanity” Matthew 25: 35-40. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” It is because of those lessons, that Pastor Waddy seeks to help humanity by volunteering with Non-Profit Organizations, as a Chaplain with nursing homes and hospitals; he has also rendered his service to the National Urban League as a past Board Member, serving as the School Board President for an accredited hybrid Christian home school, coaching a youth recreation Basketball team, and he is an assistant coach for a middle school basketball team, working with Toys for Tots, even volunteering and supporting Christian candidates running for local and state office. Whenever and wherever he has served, Pastor Waddy seeks to share the Love of God with those he meets.

  • Holiness
    The Person, the work, and the power of the Holy Spirit is fundamental to who we are as a people. We unabashedly own the truth that the Spirit can transform us, possess us, equip us, and empower us. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us, makes us holy, sets us apart for sacred service, and seals us for eternity’s sake. It is the Spirit that convicts us of sin and enables us to overcome sin. It is the Holy Spirit that can breathe supernatural gifts into us, for Jesus’ sake. He is the Comforter promised by Jesus and the witness of our redemption (Gal 5:22–23).
  • Unity
    We are a people uniquely called by God to be a catalyst for Christian unity, believing that the division of the body of Christ is hell’s greatest weapon to thwart heaven’s ends in this world. We are convinced that the splintering of the body is not the Lord’s work, but the enemy’s; we believe that hell trembles at the prospect of a people united, redeemed by the blood, and possessed by the Spirit (John 17:21).
  • The Great Commandments
    Love God with your whole self. And, love your neighbors as yourself. The Scripture tells us this is the sum of the Law and the Prophets. When a teacher of the Law sought to test Jesus (Luke 10), asking, “What must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus asked him what he read in the Scripture. When the man replied with the Great Commandments, Jesus approved, saying, “You have answered well; do this and you will live.” It was this exchange that birthed the seminal parable of the Good Samaritan. As a people in the pursuit of holiness, the Great Commandments clothe us.
  • The Supremacy of Scripture
    We are a people of the Bible—the Old and New Testaments, supernaturally inspired, preserved across time, cultures, and continents, delivered to us, useful for reproof and instruction, for righteousness. The Scripture is our backstop, the ultimate field of inquiry and judgment, the measure of conduct, faith, and practice. Whatever the question, whatever the test, whatever comes before us, in the end, it is the Scripture, above all other disciplines, that informs and defines us. All other sources of knowledge fall beneath its shadow (2 Tim 3:14–17).
  • Great Commission
    To go and make disciples is the divine privilege and responsibility given to each of us. We champion the work of evangelism and discipleship in our own neighborhood, as well as the sending of international and home missionaries to places beyond our individual reach (Matt 28:19–20).
  • Kingdom of God
    The rule and reign of God is a present reality to be embraced and experienced today. His kingdom is not of this world, and will therefore never be about earthly politics. As children of God, the spiritual riches of the King of kings are ours to claim and steward as we preach the good news of the kingdom to the world (Luke 17:20–21)
  • The Trinity
    Though difficult for the human mind to fully comprehend, our one God expresses himself in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity serves a unique role to bring God glory and accomplish his purposes in the world (Gen 1:26; 2 Cor 13:14)
  • Women in Ministry
    The distributions of gifts by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the body of Christ is not determined by gender. God has poured out his Spirit on all people, and both sons and daughters will prophesy—and teach, and shepherd the flock. In Christ, in the kingdom of God, that which once divided us—Jew, Gentile; slave, free; male, female—no longer separate. From the earliest days of the Church of God movement, we’ve celebrated the ministry leadership of outstanding women clergy and continue to do so (Acts 2:17; Gal 3:28).
our beliefs
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